#SOCS – Jan 16 -The first Thing

Linda’s #SoCS prompt:

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “first thing.” Start your post with the words, “first thing” and go from there. Bonus points if you end your post with the last thing. Have fun!

First thing that I do every morning, is switch off the alarm and curse it without fail. Obvious for most people like me who like their mornings to start in neutral gear and then take the speed slowly. 

By no means I hate mornings. I love to sit with a hot cup of my aromatic ginger tea and a newspaper in my patio.  Pune, where I live is blessed with a crisp weather for most of the year and it is quite a pleasant atmosphere. For me thats the best things about morning and it kind of sets me for the day.  It is my zen time.  

I especially love my mornings on weekends as there are less demands on the time for getting things ready for husband and daughter. Its my day off from exercise so I am not in the rush. The newspaper carries more stories and features to read as bonus. 

The weekend mornings are blesses as the alarm doesn’t ring in the morning. That is the last thing I would want to start my weekend with.

Published by Kavita Deo

I am an eternal optimistic person who likes to spread joy with my smile and words. I like to look at the lighter side of life and write about it.

9 thoughts on “#SOCS – Jan 16 -The first Thing

  1. I don’t feel good in the mornings ! I wake up and think an elephant is sitting on my chest ! I see problems which disappear after my cup of coffee ! In summer it will be better here it’s cold and grey and it rains or snows !


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