Throwback Thursday – Learning To Drive

Participating in the writing prompt jointly given by FromTheCave walls and LSS Attitude of Gratitude.  This weeks prompt is writing your memory of “Learning to Drive” To know more about the prompt visit the link Being a Mumbai girl I was more used to travelling by public transport. So I never knew cycling, riding orContinue reading “Throwback Thursday – Learning To Drive”


We all are watching a lot of television and movies thanks to pandemic.  All of us have a preference to a particular genre and my favourite genre is crime, suspense , romance  and comedy.  During lockdown, I got a chance to watch a whole lot of new movies and TV series and watched again someContinue reading “WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE MOVIE MOMENTS?”

#SOCS April 24- How Can They Stoop So Low?

To know more about Linda this week Saturday prompt click on the link below Currently India is going through a worst phase with pandemic.  There is a  lot of negativity in the air.  People are scared and living in fear of COVID.  There is bad news everywhere. I personally got to know about sixContinue reading “#SOCS April 24- How Can They Stoop So Low?”

On This International Women’s Day Get Rid Of…..

International Women’s Day is all about celebrating our womanhood and our wonderful qualities, the progress we have made so far and our achievements.   It is great to celebrate a day that makes us feel great about ourselves, but do we really? We read all those wonderful articles, listen to motivational speeches and participate in womenContinue reading “On This International Women’s Day Get Rid Of…..”